Thursday, 28 April 2011

It's Good To Be Me!

It seems our blog-writing has been rather less productive than our song-writing! Apologies for the gap.... We actually managed to get a few 'away days' to write, before the long school holiday set in. It was a real treat to be away from it all - none of the normal responsibilities. No computer, no deadlines, no telephone calls. Just three days, two guitars, a keyboard and one beautiful spot in the country - with a good dose of sunshine and fresh air. 

Sometimes when we're in the middle of a project, a new idea will appear, almost effortlessly, from nowhere. Sometimes we'll have to do a fair bit of  'digging'  to unearth fresh melodies. Occasionally, however, we'll revisit our deep-freeze of creative ideas. We both record seed ideas on dictaphones (kept by the bed or in a handbag), which, if they're not used straight away, get stored until they're ready to be defrosted at a later date. 

We found an absolute gem in the 'freezer' while we were away. Lively, up-beat, unashamedly happy, it was the perfect melody for the theme we wanted to tackle: 'It's good to be me!' The lyrics themselves are very simple - the concept of self-acceptance often seems a good deal more difficult. Why is it we are so prone to compare ourselves unfavourably with others? This song is all about being "happy to be the 'me' I am" - flaws included - and learning to avoid the crippling comparisons:

"But if I try to compare myself with you,
And all the things you do,
I'll never see all the qualities
That make me the 'me' I am!"

Looking forward to hearing this one arranged and recorded!

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