Thursday, 17 March 2011

Don't Go Listening...

It's very satisfying when tunes just pop into your head. Our latest melody arrived before we'd even sat down at the piano. Without knowing quite how, we have been able to make a simple melody say something potentially important. "Don't Go Listening To Lies" is a song which carries an invaluable message. How do we react when people say things, either to us or about us, that are neither kind nor true? The power of the spoken word is immense - but we have the ability to choose what to do with what we hear. If children, through singing, can recognise their ability to choose how they think about themselves, they will have mastered a skill many of us - even as adults - are sometimes slow to grasp. 

So that's song 9 ready to roll. Just six songs to go. Maybe a change of scenery would inspire the next few? (Watch this space!)

After yesterday's stint at the piano, today we drove to the BBC Surrey Radio Studios, for a brief interview about our involvement with Red Nose Day. It was a pleasure meeting Nick Wallis,  presenter on their Breakfast Show. Then it was back to our offices for various team  planning and publishing meetings. There are definitely exciting things afoot....

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