Tuesday 1 February 2011

A Healthy Life!

Just finished writing the first song for our next publication, due out later in the year. So, there we were, sat round the piano writing lyrics that promote a healthy lifestyle -eg- a good night's sleep, sufficient rest, exercise and a balanced diet. The irony of course is that we're stuck indoors, sat on our backsides most of the day, snacking out as we work our way through an endless supply of tea and coffee! The biggest challenge is staying awake during the day, and at night-times trying to erase the melodies from your head when you're wanting to sleep!

Song-writing is a strange beast. There are never any guarantees that you'll be able to do it again, and melodies appear from the strangest of places and at most inconvenient times. We both sleep with digital recorders by the bed. We have set ourselves just ten weeks to produce fifteen songs for the next title.

Watch this space...


  1. Can't wait to hear them guys. And it's really good you're blogging too!

  2. Can we realistically expect another panto-style musical in the next few months (i.e. before the summer)? Or another musical in general?

  3. Jack, you can certainly expect another panto-style musical, yes. Plans are underway, and we've started initial stages of collaboration for a new title with Sue Langwade (scriptwriter for 'Cinderella'). Sadly it won't be available in time for this summer, but we'll keep you posted with progress! (Have you looked at 'Alice' or 'Wind in the Willows'?)

  4. Thanks for replying to that message. Yes, we've done both of those and others. I guess we'll have to look elsewhere this year!
