Friday, 28 January 2011

Blog, Slog and Creative Cogs

Welcome to the blogging world of Mark and Helen. This is a new venture for us - to our shame, we even had to look up where the word 'blog' came from! (If 'blog' comes from 'web-log' - does that make a song-writers log a 'slog'?!)

We figured a blog would be a fantastic way to keep you in touch with all our creative news, views and 'thinking-throughs'. If you've been following our musical journey via our company catalogue or website (, it'd be fair to question if the 'Mark and Helen' song-writing hadn't slowed down over the last couple of years. Or, ground to a near-halt! 

We're here to reassure you - after a bit of a long phase of business developments and an office move, we're now back in the creative saddle (piano/guitar stool), fully set on writing, writing, writing. Getting back into creative mode after a lengthy gap can feel a little bit like starting up an old car that's been sat in a cold garage for a long time - it can take a little while to get the engine turned over, but it's soon ticking over nicely and into gear. 

So, we hope this blog can not only keep you keep you up to date with all our song-writing news, but offer you the chance to come with us as we take to the road on the next leg of our creative journey. 

Thank you for your interest!